The library telescope is a great tool for teachers to engage students. The Orion Star-Blast 4.5 Reflector is powerful and easy-to-use. Most programs offer these telescopes to teachers on a first-come, first-serve basis. St. Louis has set aside a quantity of telescopes for exclusive use by K-12 educators. Educators can reserve a telescope for a specific 7-day checkout period allowing them to better plan their class curriculum.
In addition to the Orion Star-Blast Reflector which is a telescope for viewing the night sky, St. Louis has also added a Sunpotter Solar Telescope for exclusive checkout by educators.
Visit the links provided below to learn more about how to use an Orion StarBlast 4.5 Reflector for viewing the night sky, a Sunspotter Solar Telescope for safe viewing of the Sun, and other links to help you get started